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yea! the at home mug exchange

updated tue 5 dec 00


Andie Carpenter on sun 3 dec 00

Goodness! Well, I was certainly surprised to see this post! I had no idea I'd be handling the exchange, but I'm sure happy to do so! Here's what I'd
like to do:

As many of us are swamped with holiday work/chores/preparations and many people are off list during December, I'd like to postpone collecting
addresses until after Jan. 1. I promise, at that time, to begin a monthly posting to remind everyone who wants to participate to send in their info.
In the meantime, if you participated last year but never got your mug from your partner, go ahead and let me know that info so I can double check that
they want to participate if they choose to sign up again this year.

Go ahead & make your mug/candleholder/vase/teabowl/large sculptural vessel, and set it aside. I'll begin sending off-list reminders come February, but
make sure you're giving yourself time to get your piece done once you sign up.

I hope Chris has a wonderful time at NCECA this year, and I'll do my best to fill her able shoes. This will be great fun & a great chance to "meet"
some of your Clayart buds, so be watching for the sign up info!

: ) Andie Carpenter

Kim Marie wrote:

> Please be advised that Andie Carpenter will be handling the exchange. For all who have sent me their addresses, I will forward them to her.