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updated wed 13 dec 00


philrogers pottery on fri 8 dec 00

I hope this isn't a mis-use of the list but I have an old friend who has =
had to give up making pots due to arthritis. Instead he is devoting his =
time to wood turning which he can manage. To finance the purchase of a =
new lathe he has decided to sell off an extensive library of pottery =
books. Amongst them, and this is what prompted me to post this, is =
Pioneer Pottery by Michael Cardew which I know some of you were looking =
for a few weeks ago. There are many others all in almost pristine =
condition. If you would like further details then please email me off =
list and I will get back to you.


Mel, If this is improper use then I will understand if you don't post. =


Phil and Lynne Rogers,
Lower Cefn Faes,
Powys. LD6 5LT.
Tel/fax. (44) 01597 810875.

philrogers pottery on tue 12 dec 00

To all of you that replied expressing an interest in the library of my =
friend, thank you.
I will send you all a list hopefully by the weekend. There are 150 or =
so titles and it is taking him longer to put it together than we =

I apologise for taking up space on the list for this but I can't seem to =
email a number of people simultaneously, I keep getting returned mail =
and I don't know why.

Will be in touch soon.


Phil and Lynne Rogers,
Lower Cefn Faes,
Powys. LD6 5LT.
Tel/fax. (44) 01597 810875.