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sv: glaze test for cobbeldi floating blue, cone 6, oxidation

updated mon 11 dec 00


Alisa and Claus Clausen on sun 10 dec 00

Dear David,
Thanks for that alternative receipe.

Interesting, of course that results will be different. I am not really =
a Floating Blue fan,
so I have only fired it about 6 times. The test I made was thick =
enough, and double dipped, as
I usually do, on one side of the bowl. The test was fired to cone 6, but =
that is the same temp.
I have fired my regular bowls to with the original receipe, resulting in =
the floating blue that is=20
desired. All of the test bowls with colemanite and the Cobbeldi were =
brown with green,
and on re examining the Cobbledi, I can see there is a very thin line of =
floating blue on the
top edge, very thin though.=20

I am sure that people will get different and better results with =
different placements=20
(as prior discussed) in the kiln, applications, etc. But for myself, it =
is not a glaze
I use, so the tests are just jumping off points for glazes I wish to =
further pursue.
As a given, these reports are to share receipes and reports, we must all =
our own tests after our personal interests. =20
Best regards,
Alisa in Denmark