Jennifer F Boyer on tue 12 dec 00
HI All,
Just fired the last pre holiday kiln.....yippeeeeeeee
My question is about the quality of different shut off valves
for propane burners. I have a shut off and pressure gauge on
each burner as well as a lever type shut off for the whole
system(left on full open during firing). I find that my pressure
sags regularly during the firing. This is particularly
bothersome when I start out at 1 pound and it sags to a flicker.
I fire w/ venturi burners and max out at 3 pounds pressure. My
valves are old. They have an internal finger shaped rubber
coated thingie that moves when you turn a knob . I've seen the
Jomar ball valves in the Ward Burner catalogue and will ask Mark
about them. Just wondered what experience you've all had with
getting your gas pressure to stay put. I do have primary and
secondary regulators by the way.
Take Care
Jennifer, dreading post holiday studio clean does it
GET this way?
Jennifer Boyer
Thistle Hill Pottery
95 Powder Horn Glen Rd
Montpelier, VT 05602 USA
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Tom Wirt/Betsy Price on tue 12 dec 00
Very first question Jennifer,
How big is your propane tank and what was the outside temperature?
Tom Wirt
----- Original Message -----
From: Jennifer F Boyer
Subject: propane burner shutoffs/pressure sag
> I find that my pressure
> sags regularly during the firing. This is particularly
> bothersome when I start out at 1 pound and it sags to a flicker.
> I fire w/ venturi burners and max out at 3 pounds pressure. My
> valves are old. They have an internal finger shaped rubber
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