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shino in ceramics technical

updated sat 16 dec 00


Tom Buck on wed 13 dec 00

You ask about copying rules. Well, to go strictly by the book, you
ask for permission from Janet Mansfield or the author to make a copy for
your own need, and you are not free legally to pass along a copy to
someone else. You can of course tell me where to look for the article, and
I make my own arrangements to read it in the copy of CT that my Guild
library keeps on file.
happy holidays. Peace. Tom B.

Tom Buck ) tel: 905-389-2339
(westend Lake Ontario, province of Ontario, Canada).
mailing address: 373 East 43rd Street,
Hamilton ON L8T 3E1 Canada

JODO96@AOL.COM on thu 14 dec 00

Could some one post the address of Ceramic's Technical

Thank you,
Dorothy Weber

JODO96@AOL.COM on fri 15 dec 00


Thank you for forwarding the address of Ceramics Technical
Much appreciated.
Have a Happy Holiday Season

Dorothy Weber
Manakin-Sabot, Va.

Gail Nichols on fri 15 dec 00

Ceramics Technical is published by Ceramics Art & Perception,
35 William St., Paddington NSW 2021, Australia.

Gail Nichols
Sydney, Australia

----- Original Message -----

> Could some one post the address of Ceramic's Technical