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opal blue

updated tue 19 dec 00


will edwards on mon 18 dec 00


Opal Blue is a nice looking glaze and I too visited the web site. I did s=
math and see the boron appears high and the SiO2 and Al203 is on the frin=
of low for a mid-fire. (Coloring oxides in formulae) I would believe this=
be a great color for many uses, but has it been tested yet for food surfa=
use? If so then it appears to be a fine addition as an all around studio
glaze. =

I certainly like the aspect of it not being a mutilple ingredient glaze
myself! (Smile)

Opal Blue ^6 =

50.00 Frit 3134
25.00 EPK
25.00 Silica
04.00 Rutile*
02.00 Cobalt Oxide* (* denotes coloring oxides)

For the record - Those who see these threads like these should inquire ab=
the use of glazes in regards to being either a non-functional/decorative =
verses a functional glaze used on food bearing surfaces. If someone is ne=
w to
this type information ask the next question after the first question. Wha=
type of use is the glaze considered for? I might want to drink some stron=
concoctions off the glaze in question. If the answer is not there and our=
"GURU"S" can't deliver some information then lets take the high road and
assume it is for decoration till we have the material analyzed. Personall=
y I
want this type of information when available and I also want glazes very
similar to the one posted above because it does get tiring working all da=
y and
mixing 12 ingredients in a glaze just to find some other glaze that will =
out as good with less. less is more in this industry. Saves time and mone=
y and
has less chances of being fussy from batch to batch.

William Edwards
(Alchemy - take 3 ingredients and turn them to gold) I love it! :)

Deborah Said >>>>Opal Blue glazes for cone 6?

"Wow, you guys are so prompt and cool for answering so quickly. Now I hav=
something new to play with and I thank you both!!
Will check out your webpages!!.."

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