mel jacobson on wed 20 dec 00
i feel like i have been living in a border town in west texas.
spanish girl friend that dresses in pink and orange and red, black
hair...drinking from long necks, and doin the two,
all night.
my legs need a rest...she understands...great friends. she knows/
need billie holiday, charlie parker, big band, slow dances...
`serenade in blue`
have to go to the symphony ball, out to dinner...get out the tux..
get my hair cut. get the dust off my clothes.
and she has to wear a blue velvet dress with pearls. pure white,
real pearls. change from the pickup truck all covered with mud
to the shiny navy blue car...clean, sleek. the truck is not gone..
just resting. she knows/
my eyes need to rest...they are new to me, can't have too much
excitement.....time for midnight blue, soft and subtle/ she knows/
life is rich in contrast.
she knows.
the mayor
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