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stay-at-home mug exchange more info

updated fri 5 jan 01


Andie Carpenter on thu 4 jan 01

Well!! So far I have about 75 names, and will post in a week or so to
let you all check over the list & make sure you're on it.

In the meantime, I am still collecting names of people who never sent
mugs to their partners.

Also, I have several people on the list with non-US addresses, with a
distance ranging from Guatemala to Canada. If anyone would specifically
like to be paired with a non-US partner, please let me know, and I'll
accommodate as best I can. Also, if anyone would prefer NOT to have a
non-US partner, (shipping will be higher), please let me know that, too.

I am surprised & excited by the number of emails, and you guys are doing
a great job of keeping it off-list & sending the info I need. I can't
thank you guys enough for that!

: ) Andie Carpenter