iandol on fri 5 jan 01
One of the greatest advantages of Ceramic Science for the Potter is the =
inclusion at the end of every chapter of a list of references. These are =
essential to anyone who has a deeper interest in whatever topic they =
choose to follow. Several other books have this feature in various =
forms. Ceramic Glazes by Parmellee, Industrial Ceramics by Singer and =
Singer, Claywork by Nigrosh, the dictionaries of Robert Fournier just to =
mention a few hard to lay your hands on reference books which should be =
essential reading for all serious clayworkers.
It was regrettable that 1st Ed of Dictionary of Materials and =
Techniques, Hamer, did not include such information for it would have =
enabled me to find out how he developed some of his ideas. =
Bibliographies are not sufficiently detailed when a literature search is =
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