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glycerine / propylene glycol

updated fri 19 jan 01


Denis Caraty on thu 18 jan 01

La glycerine : C3H5(OH)3

Elle provient de plusieurs sources (animales, v=E9g=E9tales et min=E9rale=
s) :

1) On peut l'extraire des graisses et des huiles
2) c'est un sous-produit dans le fabrication des savons et des acides gra=
3) On l'obtient aussi par synth=E8se =E0 partir du propylene.

La glyc=E9rine est souvent employ=E9e en c=E9ramique :
_ dans les p=E2tes de poterie pour am=E9liorer le fa=E7onnage
_ dans les =E9maux
_ dans les couleurs pour peindre sur fa=EFence

Denis Caraty
Soci=E9t=E9 : Fa=EFenceries de Gien
78, place de la victoire, 45500 Gien, FRANCE
Fax : (33) 2 38 67 92 36

Cindy Strnad on thu 18 jan 01

Also known as: Glycerol
What it is: A viscous, crystalline liquid formed when FAT molecules
split, forming free fatty acids and glycerin. About half as sweet as sugar,
glycerin is used as an ADDITIVE to keep baked goods, jelly beans,
marshmallows and even tobacco moist, to plasticize cheese, gelatin desserts,
processed meats, hot fudge sauces and chewing gums. GENERALLY RECOGNIZED AS
SAFE when used according to FDA standards.
I got this by consulting the search engine site.
There's loads of other information there regarding glycerin, but the links
are so long they'd take up more space than my letter, and I couldn't weed
out the important bits.

The pure chemical product is called glycerol, and is an alcohol. The impure
product is glycerin. Glycerin is always present during the making of soap,
however large manufacturers have the means to separate the glycerin from
their less expensive products. They then use it to create more expensive
products, or sell it as a separate product. Home soapmakers cannot (and
probably would not) perform this complex process, and so their soap retains
the natural glycerine content. No wonder I like it better.

Cindy Strnad
Earthen Vessels Pottery
RR 1, Box 51
Custer, SD 57730

Larry Phillips on thu 18 jan 01

Cindy Strnad wrote:
> I got this by consulting the search engine site.
> There's loads of other information there regarding glycerin, but the links
> are so long they'd take up more space than my letter, and I couldn't weed
> out the important bits.

Make that

If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room!