Snail Scott on mon 22 jan 01
At 09:46 PM 1/22/01 -0000, you wrote:
We all know
>about Albany Slip, but never used any. For some
>reason I always thought it was a very dark,
>shiny brown, like Bristol ware.
>Janet Kaiser
When used 'straight' as a ^10 glaze, Albany
slip IS brown, in the old-time 'folksy' manner.
This is a ^6 vitreous engobe, (really more
of a matt glaze,) with lots of other stuff
in it. It's only about 25% Albany slip. It's
also loaded with oxides and opacifiers, which
make it grey. (original source lost)
Castle Engobe ^6 (ox or redux)
(apply to greenware)
OM-4 ball clay 28.41
Albany slip 25.00
Kona F-4 feldspar 22.73
Whiting 13.64
Barium Carbonate 7.95
Lithium Carbonate 2.27
Zircopax 13.64
Rutile 4.55
Manganese Dioxide 2.27
Cobalt Oxide 2.27
(I haven't tested this recipe with Albany
substitutes yet, as I only just ran out
of my 'stash'.)
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