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wesleyan potters workshops in march

updated wed 24 jan 01


John Palmquist on tue 23 jan 01

Thrown and Altered Majolica
Posey Bacopoulos
This workshop will focus on altering wheel throw pots and majolica =
decoration. A variety of altering techniques will be =
demonstrated,including several different oval forms such as =
bakers,pitchers and covered jars. We will also explore different =
approaches to lids,spouts,handles and feet. Participants will have time =
to try the techniques and develop forms of their own.
Three sessions: Sunday,Monday and Tuesday
March 11,12 and 13
9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tuition: $ 225
Vessels That Pour
Susan Beecher
This will be a three days "hands on workshop" that will focus on =
functional pouring vessels. It will include pitchers, oil bottles, =
batters bowls, gravy boats, teapots and cruet sets. Altering these forms =
into ovals and squares with specially cut feet will also be examined. =
This workshop will accommodate handbuilders as well as throwers. =
Students are encouraged to develop their own ideas in a relaxed and =
supportive atmosphere.
3 sessions: Friday,Saturday and Sunday
March 16, 17 and 18
9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Tuition: $180.00
Wesleyan Potters is a non-profit co-op and school in =
for more information call (860) 347-5925 business hours Monday - =
Friday 9-3.