chris cox on wed 24 jan 01
Just for fun in 1997 all the potters exhibiting at Potfest UK
were invited to enter a piece to a theme in a peers prize competition.
In 1998 emailed enties were added and we had our first cyber
By 2000 entries were from all over the world with last year’s
winner from Alaska and runners up from Holland and the UK.
A serious competition was never the intention. The original idea
was a kind of party where everyone brought a conversation piece, a point
of social interaction. It would be nice to think that conversations
would continue between entrants by direct email but are we ready for
this ?.
And so to 2001, year one in the new millenium and the world
getting smaller by the minute. Anyone anywhere in the world is invited
to submit an emailed picture to the title “ a piece for a Japanese
garden”. But don’t get a head ache over it. The prize money is minute
and you probably wont win anyway so do it for fun. Do it tongue in
cheek, do it in five minutes but do it so we can all see a pot behind
the name on the Clayart list. And when you see a piece you like on the
competition page an emailed pat on the back to the maker will help make
it a better party.
Entries for the last two years can be seen on the Potfest
chris & geoff cox
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