mike & darlene tsukamoto on fri 26 jan 01
Lee Arts Center Spring 2001
Master Workshops Program presents:
Jeff Oestreich Workshop
Friday, April 27 7:30 - 8:30 pm Reception /Slide Lecture
Sat/Sun April 28-29 10:00 am - 5:00pm
Fee: $85.00
Slides only: $10.00
Internationally known potter Jeff Oestreich will share his thoughts and
techniques in this weekend workshop. Day one will focus on making
shapes on the wheel that will later be altered by faceting, stretching,
darting or cutting and rejoining. Day two will involve assembling of
these forms, decoration and discussion on the surface acheived in a
salt/soda firing.
Jeff is a studio potter living in rural Minnesota. He is currently an
Artist in Residence at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg,
Virginia. He also exhibits and conducts workshops nationally and
For more information call: The Lee Arts Center at 703-228-5256
or email at leearts@erols.com
Lee Arts Center
5722 Lee Highway
Arlington, VA 22207
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