Vicki Conley on wed 24 jan 01
I have started experimenting with terra sig but am not sure i'm doing it
right. do you put it on when the pot is leather hard or bone dry, Do you
burnish it while still a little damp or dry? How many coates? Thanks Vicki
vince pitelka on wed 24 jan 01
> I have started experimenting with terra sig but am not sure i'm
doing it
> right. do you put it on when the pot is leather hard or bone dry, Do you
> burnish it while still a little damp or dry? How many coates? Thanks
Vicky -
For lots of information on terra sig, you can check my spiel on the subject
on Tony Hansen's Digitalfire webpage at
Make sure your sig is mixed very thin - 1.15 density (or specific gravity).
Apply it to bone-dry pots, and apply as many coats as you want up to fifteen
or twenty coats. Just keep applying coats until you get the surface you
Best wishes -
- Vince
Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Crafts
Tennessee Technological University
1560 Craft Center Drive, Smithville TN 37166
Home -
Work -
615/597-6801 ext. 111, fax 615/597-6803
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