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update on boraq gerstley borate substitute

updated thu 1 feb 01


Tony Hansen on tue 30 jan 01

We've made excellent progress on the web site.
Also has a supply in stock now that you can order online.
We are getting some great reports from people that have tried a lot of other
subsitutes and approaches already.
We will have a booth at NCECA, just watch for the big sign on the backboard
saying: GERSTLEY BORATE + INSIGHT = BORAQ at the Axner booth.
Also, watch for people wearing badges saying:
Floating Blue Lives Again with Boraq.

With the help of Mary Simmons we have recently gotten an analysis to confirm
our calculations of the Boraq formula and of our control sample of GB. The
discrepancies are enlightening. These along with all the feedback we are
getting will mean that the next revision to Boraq will be even better.

I want to thank all the people that have been helping us out online. We have
a large email list of people that are interested in this project. Boraq and the
how-to information on the website continue to evolve into a comprehensive
solution that is much more than a simple material substitution. I've really
come to appreciate what a marvelous material GB was. We have recently
posted information on the web site that makes it clear why frits come up
short as substitutes for it.

T o n y H a n s e n

Louis Katz on wed 31 jan 01

Reminds me of a song written and sung by a friend from Cleaveland long ago, Liza
Two verses:

When you're not with me, I miss you so.
But when you're with me I wish you'd get up and go.

When you're not with me I miss ya more.
But when you're with me, I wish you'd get out the door.

> I've really
> come to appreciate what a marvelous material GB was. We have recently
> posted information on the web site that makes it clear why frits come up
> short as substitutes for it.
