Ken Kang on fri 2 feb 01
For those who have contacted me and others that weren't sure about the =
cable configuration, I posted another drawing. =20
Feel free to copy the pictures and instructions. Also if you have any =
questions contact me.
Aloha, Ken
Larry Phillips on sat 3 feb 01
Ken Kang wrote:
> Feel free to copy the pictures and instructions.
Thanks, Ken. I think I'll put it into a newsletter for our guild. I'll
let you know when you can see it on line, and if you send me your
snailmail address, I can mail you a hard copy.
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room!
Dai Scott on sun 4 feb 01
Larry Phillips, what is your email address? I tried to access your website,
but am told it "doesn't exist". I'm interested in your guild newsletter.
Dai in Kelowna, BC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry Phillips"
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: home made slab roller
> Ken Kang wrote:
> >
> > Feel free to copy the pictures and instructions.
> Thanks, Ken. I think I'll put it into a newsletter for our guild. I'll
> let you know when you can see it on line, and if you send me your
> snailmail address, I can mail you a hard copy.
> --
> If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room!
> Send postings to
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
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