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ash glaze tests

updated tue 4 may 10


Charles on tue 6 feb 01

Dear Clayarters,

I have now tested all the cone 6 oxidation ash glazes submitted to =
the list in the last couple of weeks. I am so thrilled 4 of the 7 are =
really looking good. I will be doing some more refinements and in =
another 3 weeks or so, will post new/altered results/recipes with =
descriptions. Of course the one that had to be PERFECT is the one from =
Val Cushing containing Gerstley Borate..*sigh* but the others are coming =
along nicely. Thanks for all your help.

ALSO we have started receiving registrations for our spring workshop =
series. If you haven't seen the listing, please check out the webpage!


Check out our AMAZING workshop series
Pottery in Central PA will never be the same!

Charles on thu 8 feb 01

Vicki and others who are interested,

So far I have used them all directly on the clay, not over another glaze.
The Cushing one looks wonderful, runny green rivulets, no colorant added. I
only added colorant to the test that called for cobalt. It was very matte
and textured, not runny at all, but QUITE attractive, would look great on
some large bottle forms. I'll be doing more tests next week. This weekend is
our empty bowls Throw-a-thon and I'll be *busy* all weekend. Look for the
results towards the end of February. Thanks all!

Check out our AMAZING workshop series
Pottery in Central PA will never be the same!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: Ash Glaze Tests

> Hi Charles,
> Thanks for the info on the ash glazes. I have one I use over other glazes
> wanted to try the Val Cushing one also. Did you add any colorant to the
> glaze? .....
> Send postings to
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at

Coolpots@AOL.COM on thu 8 feb 01

Hi Charles,

Thanks for the info on the ash glazes. I have one I use over other glazes but
wanted to try the Val Cushing one also. Did you add any colorant to the ash
glaze? Did you put it over one of your other glazes or use it by itself? Did
you use white clay or an iron rich clay. I have found that my ash glaze works
best dribbled or sponged on my iron rich glazes. Turns yellow with lots of
other colors mixed in. TIA.

Vicki from Cool, CA

Rick Bonomo on thu 8 dec 05

Cone 10 electric Ash Glazes

Click here for image:

After listening to the master ash glazer Phil Rogers at a workshop in =
Boston, I went home to ply the tricks:

The top three pots were glazed with this: 33SodaSpar 33Washed Ash 33 =
Native Yellow Clay
The left is the glaze over white porcelain slip - kinda yellow
Middle over raw Standard 259 - OK
Right over the same native slip with some wax resist- very nice dark =
Second row left- same glaze with unwashed ash over same slip =3D shinier =
- nicer - deeper
Second row middle Ochre Ash over Native slip with texture and thumb =
Second row right Rhodes Stony Matt over native slip with some wax resist =
=3D some cratering inside
Third row left - supposed to be Perkins Red artificially reduced - =
didn't happen
Neilsens Celadon from December 2005 CM - nice milky celadon
Right: The old Rhodes 32 with cobalt and rutile - nice soft feel
Bottom: 45Spar 45Ash 10Flint over native slip: nice

Rick Bonomo

mel jacobson on mon 3 may 10

i made a cup/spoon measure ash glaze with pumice and zircopax
and a small percentage of gertsley borate.

i used it under joe's temmoku glaze/with bone ash for red. lots of wax resi=
i hope to mimic some of the early chinese whites under temmoku.
(we suppose most of those were wood ash sort of glaze.)

i will show pix on thursday. i too am working with bright mother in law
blue. so, this firing will either be wowowowowwwoooooo, or land fill
in the swamp behind my house.
nothing ventured, nothing gained. and, as i have said many times on
clayart, i do the entire kiln, about 80 pots in the same glaze combinations=
gotta see it. can't trust tiles. (if it is really goofey blue it
will sell out in
two hours.)

the kiln fired well, and i kept it in neutral to oxy most of the day.
so, mlb in oxy will really be blue. i will fire down for a few hours at 19=
from: minnetonka, mn
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