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chrome tin red cone 6

updated sun 11 feb 01


Ian Macmillan on fri 9 feb 01

For those who are trying to find this holy grail - I have tried
several variations, including Will's Rosenrot, which for me is purple
and not what I want. The recent posting of a glaze from old files
was described as gray and would not suit me.

Here is my best shot so far - a gerstley-free variation on Kemp 17.
For me it fires red, but not as bright as the gerstley version. I am
still testing, however. It looks particularly nice layered over a
green where it breaks up nicely.

Ian's Kemp 17 variation - cone 6 ox

laguna borate 21
nepheline syenite 17
EP kaolin 8
flint 32
whiting 20
talc 1

total 99

tin 5.0
chrome 0.15

my calculations:

CaO .79 Al2O3 .25 SiO2 2.43
MgO .06 B2O3 .24
K2O .03
Na2O .12

Si/Al 9.64
expansion 7.32

I am hoping to get this better with my next few tests. If I do, I
will post the result.


Sheron Roberts on sat 10 feb 01

I would appreciate if you kept us posted on the results of your testing. =
I use Kemp 17 in various combinations quite often. The problem, like =
everyone else, is that I will soon run out of Gerstley Borate.
Thank You,
Sheron in NC