Dai Scott on mon 5 feb 01
O.K., I give up! I KNOW that a year or so ago there were a number of posts
about a revised Floating Blue recipe, with a couple of revisions by Ron Roy.
Firstly, I can find no record of this in the the archives (yes, I looked
there first); secondly, did those revisions have Gerstley Borate in them, or
were they revised to eliminate that? And thirdly, can someone point me to
those posts in the archives, or send me the revised recipes? Thanks in
Dai Scott in Kelowna---hoping to replace the old Floating Blue recipe, which
is a favourite of my students.
Shirley Tschannen on tue 6 feb 01
Hi Dai, I recently tested both Floating Blues, one with GB and RR's
revision. Eureka! the revised version did not run as the GB version
did. I used vertical vases, plates, etc on RR's version just to see
what it would do. I fire 6^ elec. and am an new potter of sorts. If
you will contact me off the group, I'll be happy to share RR's recipe
with you. The only minus on this glaze is that there isn't the
"white/light blue" as part of the "floating". Maybe more rutile is
needed? Do you know?
C TRIPP on tue 6 feb 01
Hi Dai,
I have two no G/B Floating Blue recipes, neither of which I have tried.
This one is by Ron Roy, date unknown, revision number ? from Clayart;
Nepheline Syenite 30
Frit 3134 36
Silica 14
EPK 20
red iron oxide 2.0
rutile 4.0
cobalt oxide 1.0
bentonite 2.0
This other one was posted by Judith Enright in Oct '98 who said she'd "used
the recipe below with consistantly good results."
Frit 32.8
Nepheline Syenite 43.3
EPK 13.7
Flint 10.3
red iron oxide 2.0
rutile 4.0
cobalt oxide 1.0
bentonite 2.0
Neither of these looks the same when I run them using INSIGHT and they both
look different from the orginal James Chappell recipe. So...test and see.
Good luck,
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C TRIPP on tue 6 feb 01
On Tue, 6 Feb 2001 08:23:00 -0800, Charles Moore wrote:
> Carol,>
> Any idea which frit Judith Enright used?
> > This other one was posted by Judith Enright in Oct '98 who said she'd
> "used
> > the recipe below with consistantly good results."
> > Frit 32.8
I AM SO SORRY. I thought I proof read this but obviously not well.
It is Frit 3134.
Send a cool gift with your E-Card
Tom Wirt/Betsy Price on tue 6 feb 01
What cone firing temp are you looking for?
Tom Wirt
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dai Scott"
Subject: Ron Roy's revised Floating Blue
> O.K., I give up! I KNOW that a year or so ago there were a number
of posts
> about a revised Floating Blue recipe, with a couple of
Charles Moore on tue 6 feb 01
Any idea which frit Judith Enright used?
Charles Moore
----- Original Message -----
From: "C TRIPP"
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: Ron Roy's revised Floating Blue
> This other one was posted by Judith Enright in Oct '98 who said she'd
> the recipe below with consistantly good results."
> Frit 32.8
Tony Hansen on sun 18 feb 01
I am catching up on my Clayart lately. Believe it or not I have not missed
one day
since I subscribed 4 years ago I think.
Anyway, Floating Blue has its own web page at www.gerstleyborate.com.
There is no place anywhere where you will find more information on this
glaze. The page is at
and it is changing constantly.
Gerstley Borate was the secret of this glazes success, the page explains why
using other materials hasn't worked. Since Boraq is a substitute that
respects the
mineralogy and chemistry of Gerstley Borate, it works with Floating Blue.
There is therefore no compelling need to change the Floating Blue recipe if
the old one worked for you because you can now use Boraq.
T o n y H a n s e n thansen@digitalfire.com
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