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sv: good test, bad glaze/ron roy

updated mon 12 feb 01


Alisa og Claus Clausen on sun 11 feb 01

The glaze is calling for 17.4 Talc.

Apologies. I really apprciate your looking into this for me, because =
the first test produced such a nice looking glaze.

I mixed up the 5000 grams and when it fired so differently from the =
test, I thought also I had a made a mistake in the mixing. However, I =
have made two more meticulous 100 gram. tests and they both fired =
yellowish glossy. =20

Further, I made 3 more tests with this receipe as such:
Subbed the G.B only with my Frit
Subbed the Whiting only with the 9,4 Wollastonite, omitted the Silica, =
but dragged .44 with the Wolalstonite).
Subbed the G.B. and Whiting for my Frit and Wollastonite.

All 3 tests were glossy and progressively more yellow.

I took a favorite Dolomite White that is a bit soft on the surface
cone 5-8
50 Neph. Sye
25 Dolomite
5 Whiting
20 Ball clay
and subbed the Whiting for 5.8 Wollastonite (dragging 3 Silica) that =
test resulted in a glaze very similar to the first test of the Waxy =
White. A very hard, waxy, silk white glaze that was covering, and the =
oxides stayed put where I painted them. Can still scratch it, but =
harder surface than the original receipe.

Again, thanks for looking into this for me.
Best regards,
Alisa in Denmark