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shanghai glaze/grebanier

updated sun 18 feb 01


Craig Martell on sat 17 feb 01

Janice sez:
>It might be helpful to track down a copy of the book Chinese Stoneware
>Glazes: Ancient Glazes Recreated for Today's Potter by Joseph
>Grebanier,Watson-Guptill, 1975. ISBN 0-273-00909-5.

Funny you should mention that book. I took it back to the Library
yesterday. Had it for a month. It's a very good book and sadly, Grebanier
is seldom mentioned by anyone and he is or was, top notch. There is good
info on classic chinese stoneware glazes in this text. It's well worth

As an aside, I was having an accupuncture session yesterday for a bum
shoulder and I was reading that book when "Benson" came in to ventilate me
with accupuncture needles. Benson is from Shanghai and I asked him if he
knew anything about the "Shanghai Glaze". "The what?", he replied!! Never
mind that, just tell me where the "chi" goes when I poke you with this
needle." I think it's in the parking lot, Benson!

later, Craig Martell in Oregon