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dry mixing and respirators

updated sat 24 feb 01


Charles on fri 23 feb 01

Respirator?!?, of course I wear my respirator when dry mixing, but I mix up
3 or 4 batches at a time dry, then later in the day will add the water, so
have no fears Alisa, I am well protected, I wear my respirator when doing
anything with dry glazes. Sieving once through 80 mesh seems to work fine
for me...I was wondering about all the folks who dry sieve each ingredient,
then wet sieve it again...seems like overkill.

Speaking of respirators, and now that he is healthy again, I will mention
it, but I could not BELIEVE it when I saw Mayor Mel in PMI spraying ITC into
a kiln without a respirator. Even outdoors I would think a respirator is
needed, especially when one is that close to the action.

Take care of yourself Mel, we need you! I can't imagine that ITC lined lungs
will extend the life of your coils, or add to your refractory rating!


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