mel jacobson on sun 25 feb 01
it is nice to think that this will be clayart, i think, number six at
nceca. i remember the first breakfasts, just a nice gathering.
the first clayart room in forth worth....i just did that one on my
own. tony c. passed the ice bucket for people to put some money
in. i just about fainted when i got the bill. a thousand bucks.
but, the hotel realized their error, and gave me a break. some others
helped. but, it launched a great tradition. and i really think it
has changed the way many approach nceca. it gives us a place
to find friends, just sit down and talk. nice.
the mug exchange is really fun. all those mugs, famous people,
average folks, nice mugs, funny mugs. but the sharing and joy
of getting one is real.
one of the things that many new clayarters do not realize is that
many of us are real friends. we have met for years at nceca, work-
shops, conferences, we have had parties, gatherings, fun times.
so many clayarters are real life pals. it is a good thing.
it is as tony c. said today. it is about clay, the real thing. we are
about clay, process, the craft. when we get together, it is the same
thing, we talk of clay. we share, jabber, talk, discuss, argue. it
is good to know real people. we have taken cyber space into reality.
try and remember, clayart is real. it is not computers, dns numbers.../
ip's. it is real people with a love and desire to learn about clay.
we are moving to new places. we want you all to move with us.
things are good. really good.
the earth and it's clay are not dead.
Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.A.
web site:
John Weber on mon 26 feb 01
I'm sorry if you have already posted this information but must of missed it.
At NCECA where will the Clayart room be and what are the hours. This is our
first time at NCECA and we don't want to miss a thing.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ceramic Arts Discussion List [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG]On
> Behalf Of mel jacobson
> Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 5:45 PM
> Subject: nceca/clayart
> it is nice to think that this will be clayart, i think, number six at
> nceca. i remember the first breakfasts, just a nice gathering.
> the first clayart room in forth worth....i just did that one on my
> own. tony c. passed the ice bucket for people to put some money
> in. i just about fainted when i got the bill. a thousand bucks.
> but, the hotel realized their error, and gave me a break. some others
> helped. but, it launched a great tradition. and i really think it
> has changed the way many approach nceca. it gives us a place
> to find friends, just sit down and talk. nice.
> the mug exchange is really fun. all those mugs, famous people,
> average folks, nice mugs, funny mugs. but the sharing and joy
> of getting one is real.
> one of the things that many new clayarters do not realize is that
> many of us are real friends. we have met for years at nceca, work-
> shops, conferences, we have had parties, gatherings, fun times.
> so many clayarters are real life pals. it is a good thing.
> it is as tony c. said today. it is about clay, the real thing. we are
> about clay, process, the craft. when we get together, it is the same
> thing, we talk of clay. we share, jabber, talk, discuss, argue. it
> is good to know real people. we have taken cyber space into reality.
> try and remember, clayart is real. it is not computers, dns numbers.../
> ip's. it is real people with a love and desire to learn about clay.
> we are moving to new places. we want you all to move with us.
> things are good. really good.
> the earth and it's clay are not dead.
> mel
> From:
> Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.A.
> web site:
> __________________________________________________________________
> ____________
> Send postings to
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
Kurt Wild on mon 26 feb 01
At 07:44 PM 02/25/2001 -0600, you wrote:
> is nice ..............
>things are good. really good.
>the earth and it's clay are not dead.............
And thank God the Mayor survived his health problem and is here to help us
"all .. moving to new places. all to move with us"!
Kurt Wild
River Falls, WI
L. P. Skeen on mon 26 feb 01
> > it is as tony c. said today. it is about clay, the real thing. we are
> > about clay, process, the craft. when we get together, it is the same
> > thing, we talk of clay. we share, jabber, talk, discuss, argue. it
> > is good to know real people. we have taken cyber space into reality.
Hey, I'm just looking forward to seeing people who understand CLAY STAINS on
Molinaro, Joe on sat 26 feb 11
Greetings Clayart folks,
Joe Molinaro here, a former member of the list and, well yes, the person =
got this all started many years ago. I am so pleased to see how things a=
thriving on Clayart, and with the careful guidance of Mel and so many oth=
on the list, I am delighted to see how it continues to thrive and move fo=
While I have not been an active member of the list for some time, the=3D20
negotiations with NCECA to establish an affiliation has prompted me to re=
to the scene of the crime and touch base with so many old, and hopefully =
Now that I am on the other side of the fence and working with NCECA to he=
establish a connection between the two groups, I am encouraged to read th=
Mel and Keith have begun a dialogue to help usher this into a new age. T=
current board of NCECA is excited about all the possibilities this might =
bring to=3D20
both groups, and with a shared understanding about each sides responsibil=
and mutual respect for one another, it can certainly flourish as it estab=
lishes a=3D20
new paradigm for ceramics, both in our studios and in the classroom. It =
is in=3D20
this very collaboration and shared love for working in clay that we hope =
define this new relationship. After all, we are all in this together, so=
continue to think of it terms of 'high water raises all boats'.
I look forward to reading, enjoying, learning and participating in the va=
dialogues that Clayart continues to offer the ceramics community. The=3D20=
information and education you folks exchange on a regular basis is nothin=
short of amazing, and similar to the type of learning one might experienc=
e in=3D20
the classroom. I remember in the very early days of Clayart, when there=3D=
were only about a couple dozen people out there on the list, I would pose=
questions simply to get people talking. Now, with thousands of Clayarter=
s, I=3D20
know a shortage of Q&A is not the problem. Being a member of Clayart=3D
is like=3D20
having a steady stream of educators at your fingertips, thus ensuring you=
and old the ability to give and receive information on a most timely basi=
May it always continue and prove how the ceramics field is willing to emb=
new technology while remaining respectful of your own past clay tradition=
In closing, please allow me to say how proud I am of the list and the wor=
k so=3D20
many of you have done for so many years in keeping it alive and relevant.=
While I know working on the NCECA side of our field has presented challen=
for me and so many others wishing to keep our own relevance meaningful, i=
only hope you will see this new partnership as a new beginning for both s=
Our respect for one another will be seen in how we work together, and the=
fruits of this effort will allow both organizations to become a model on =
groups having a shared interest (clay) can forge a relationship that trul=
serves all those involved.
Thanks again to Mel for his willingness to meet with Keith and discuss th=
e nitty=3D20
gritty of making this happen, and to all of you as you display a strong s=
ense of=3D20
purpose and professionalism in supporting this effort. In the end, we ar=
e not=3D20
only individuals working in clay, we are family and friends.
Best to you all,
Steve Mills on sat 26 feb 11
Dear Joe, your last line encapsulates what The List means to me over here o=
the other side of the pond; it is my Family in every sense of the word, a=
d a vital part of my life.=3D20
Steve M
Steve Mills
Sent from my Ipod touch
On 26 Feb 2011, at 18:01, "Molinaro, Joe" wrote:
> Greetings Clayart folks,
> Joe Molinaro here, a former member of the list and, well yes, the person =
> got this all started many years ago. I am so pleased to see how things a=
> thriving on Clayart, and with the careful guidance of Mel and so many oth=
> on the list, I am delighted to see how it continues to thrive and move fo=
ward. =3D20
> While I have not been an active member of the list for some time, the=3D2=
> negotiations with NCECA to establish an affiliation has prompted me to re=
> to the scene of the crime and touch base with so many old, and hopefully =
> friends.
> Now that I am on the other side of the fence and working with NCECA to he=
> establish a connection between the two groups, I am encouraged to read th=
> Mel and Keith have begun a dialogue to help usher this into a new age. T=
> current board of NCECA is excited about all the possibilities this might =
ring to=3D20
> both groups, and with a shared understanding about each sides responsibil=
> and mutual respect for one another, it can certainly flourish as it estab=
ishes a=3D20
> new paradigm for ceramics, both in our studios and in the classroom. It =
s in=3D20
> this very collaboration and shared love for working in clay that we hope =
> define this new relationship. After all, we are all in this together, so=
> continue to think of it terms of 'high water raises all boats'.
> I look forward to reading, enjoying, learning and participating in the va=
> dialogues that Clayart continues to offer the ceramics community. The=3D=
> information and education you folks exchange on a regular basis is nothin=
> short of amazing, and similar to the type of learning one might experienc=
> the classroom. I remember in the very early days of Clayart, when there=
> were only about a couple dozen people out there on the list, I would pose=
> questions simply to get people talking. Now, with thousands of Clayarter=
, I=3D20
> know a shortage of Q&A is not the problem. Being a member of Clayart is =
> having a steady stream of educators at your fingertips, thus ensuring you=
> and old the ability to give and receive information on a most timely basi=
. =3D20
> May it always continue and prove how the ceramics field is willing to emb=
> new technology while remaining respectful of your own past clay tradition=
> In closing, please allow me to say how proud I am of the list and the wor=
> many of you have done for so many years in keeping it alive and relevant.=
> While I know working on the NCECA side of our field has presented challen=
> for me and so many others wishing to keep our own relevance meaningful, i=
> only hope you will see this new partnership as a new beginning for both s=
des. =3D20
> Our respect for one another will be seen in how we work together, and the=
> fruits of this effort will allow both organizations to become a model on =
> groups having a shared interest (clay) can forge a relationship that trul=
> serves all those involved.
> Thanks again to Mel for his willingness to meet with Keith and discuss th=
> gritty of making this happen, and to all of you as you display a strong s=
nse of=3D20
> purpose and professionalism in supporting this effort. In the end, we ar=
> only individuals working in clay, we are family and friends.
> Best to you all,
> Joe
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