Logan Oplinger on mon 26 feb 01
Mark Duerr:
Please be certain that what you are using is in fact ceramic fiber. Depending on when the boiler was manufactured, and where in the boiler the fiber came from, if it is not ceramic fiber, it could be rock wool, fiberglass, or, if from very old boilers, asbestos. Ask to be certain. Asbestos removal requirements in most places are fairly stringent, but can always be circumvented. If you're sure of the material, fine. I'm just being cautious here.
In my original post I intended that the 50/50 clay/grog mix be placed on the brick on the top of the kiln wall, not on the lid. I think Bobbi's recommendation implied the same.
I have tried bits of ceramic for sealing around the lip, but I don't like the bits of fiber deteriorating & falling away to the floor or in the kiln.
Someone on the post later suggested using ceramic fiber rope. I think this or strips of ceramic fiber tape or cloth pinned to the kiln lid may offer the best solution.
Logan Oplinger.
---- you wrote:
.. . . I use thin pieces of refractory
> fiber that was given to me by a parent of one of my
> students. The guy tears out boilers and said they just
> "throw the stuff away". It does a great job of keeping in
> the heat. . .and it doesn't deteriorate into hard chunks
> that can fall onto the pots.
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