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your one, "stuck on a desert island",glaze book recommendation

updated wed 28 feb 01


Louis Katz on tue 27 feb 01

I was interested in your choice as I too look at this book often, at least I
thought it was this book. Turns out I have a copy of Ceramic Glazes 1960 Borax
Consolidated Ltd. London by Felix Singer and W.L. German. Sounds like the same
book. It does have a bend towards describing only glazes containing Borax although
it is not in any way exclusive, just preferential in that regard. Lots of little
tidbits in there.
At the Island University
Texas A&M CC

Khaimraj Seepersad wrote:

> Greetings to All ,
> Steve ,
> I found this to be the most useful -
> Ceramic Glazes - David C. Maynard [ 1980 ]
> Borax Holdings Ltd.
> London
> Seen at the second hand book shops on the web.
> Has all the recipes from 09 [ orton big cone ]
> to over 1280 deg.c - actually has cone 16
> The glazes are in the Oxide form , so with your Chemistry
> you should easily be able to match to raw materials.
> Leadless glazes from high to low .
> A gem of a small book , packed full of information .
> Hope this helps .
> Khaimraj [ on an Island but well peopled ]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: STVC
> Date: 27 February 2001 5:02
> Subject: Your One, "stuck on a desert island", Glaze Book Recommendation
> >Clayart glazers,
> >
> >I've not developed the glaze knowledge many/most of you have. If I put
> >anything at all on them, I've been just as likely to treat the surfaces of
> >my ceramic sculptures with acrylics or resins as with glaze. When you
> >produce very few large pieces, the choice to glaze will likely be subjected
> >to priorities weighted differently than for wares historically wedded to
> >glaze. Not coming from a pottery background, this is especially true for
> >me. For the sculptures I have glazed, I tested extensively/obsessively,
> and
> >still went forward with some fear.
> >
> >I am back on the glaze track again, and am trying to decide on a glaze
> book.
> >I have a couple older ones--Rhodes and Chappell--and I know many of their
> >recipes are dated. I'm looking for the one excellent contemporary volume.
> >If you were to recommend the one best glaze book, what would it be? I am
> >chemistry literate, and would like a book that handles the technical side.
> >It would be good if studio and processing considerations were explored
> also.
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
> >Steven Van Cleave
> >Vista, CA
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