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armory art center, harvey sadow, pacifica wheels

updated mon 5 mar 01


vince pitelka on sat 3 mar 01

I was down at the Armory Art Center in West Palm Beach Florida all week
doing a slip-decoration workshop, and I had a wonderful time. It was rough
putting up with 80 degree temperatures every day. No one is suppose to be
that comfortable during the winter. It's just not right. Hey, I served my
time in Fargo, ND, and I know it is not healthy to be too comfortable during
the winter.

Harvey Sadow runs the clay program at the Armory, and he has assembled a
beautiful facility. They offers some excellent clay workshops. I was
impressed with the place. Most of you know of Harvey's work and his
contributions to American ceramics. Those folks at the Armory are lucky to
have him. Quite a few of his own students were in the workshop, and they
are a good group with lots of energy and a healthy thirst for new
information. We had a lot of fun.

I worked all week on a Pacific wheel and really liked it. It was solid and
smooth and quiet and powerful. At the Craft Center we have Brent CXCs and
CI Big Boss and Clay Boss wheels. The CXC is the expensive workhorse, and
the CIs are one of the best bargains around, but between the two is the
Pacifica wheel. It's plenty heavy for anyone's needs, but not quite so
cumbersome or expensive as a CXC. This was my first opportunity to work
with a Pacifica, and as you can see I was favorably impressed.
Best wishes -
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Crafts
Tennessee Technological University
1560 Craft Center Drive, Smithville TN 37166
Home -
Work -
615/597-6801 ext. 111, fax 615/597-6803