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cindi.teaching clayart

updated tue 6 mar 01


mel jacobson on mon 5 mar 01

if you would like the term blockhead explained, well it is
the folks that sign up for clayart, do not read the instructions ever,
and send posts to me day after day saying things like `mel, will
you take me off clayart for thursday and friday, i am going out
of town and do not want to be bothered.` and, i am not kidding.
or, `too many messages, take we off this gd list you #$%^.`
i got one today.
`mel, will you explain in detail how you throw a pot on the wheel?`
sure, it would take me about four hours of writing, would love to do
that. zap.

we have a few of our clayarters that do not have
a clue what is going on, and will never know. so trying to educate
them will certainly take a bit of work on their part.

education is a two way street, it takes a teacher, then a pupil that
will take responsibility. we have a percentage of `just takers` on
this list. just like the real world. we tolerate that....but we are
not going to spend our valuable time spoon feeding them.
paint your delete key bright red, then in tiny letters write. `ASS`

Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.A.
web site:

Joyce Lee on mon 5 mar 01

During my temporary stint as Clayart fill-in moderator I many times
experienced each of the situations the mayor described this morning. At
first I had no clue what to do with these posts since I truly wanted to
help... in time, after daily bombardments, simply hitting delete seemed
appropriate ... never quit feeling bad about those posters... I did try
to respond to the claybuds who weren't receiving their CLayart, even
though in almost every case it was the fault of their own settings or
their servers. Vivid recall... deja vu ...
kept me responding ... since I personally frantically flooded
international cyberspace when my Clayart didn't magically appear on my
screen as expected the first couple of years. I had no shame. If
messages to claybuds didn't satisfy my quest, I posted Joe directly...
even at home!! Made inquiries everywhere. Africa. Indonesia. Israel.
Alaska. Didn't matter. I hit that SEND button as if I were crazed..... I
was. Roger? Francoise M.? Mishy? Cheryl? Bonnie? Barney? We became
acquainted by filling in the No Clayart Today gaps with posts to one

However, I'm aware that I'm preaching to the choir here ... the claybuds
about whom I'm writing have since moved on .... wrong list for them.

In the MOjave