Burns Christina on mon 5 mar 01
I recent acquired a very old banding wheel, from a garage sell in the
Chicago area (it was said to be at least 3rd generation old). It is a floor
stand (solid metal), about 2 1/2 feet tall and is adjustable for another
couple of feet. It was made by B.F. Drakenfeld & Co. out of New York, NY.
Of course, now that I am back in Kansas I want to know more! Who owned it?
What kind of work did they do? Who is Drakenfeld? Soooo many questions and
a desire for many answers. If any one has any ideas, clues, or thoughts on
the subject I would love to hear them. Oh yes it works just fine
Ottawa University
1001 S. Cedar
Ottawa, KS 66067
785-242-5200 ext.5519
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