mapikos on tue 13 mar 01
Hi All, I have a grant that enables me to buy a digital camera. I have
read all the archive (OK, a lot of them) and am down to a choice between
the Nikon 990 and the Canon G1. For the grant I will be shooting
artifacts housed in museum storage, (so low light and close ups.) But
after my research is done, I get to keep the camera for my own studio
use. I make very detailed narrative relief tile. The Nikon's
ergomatics feel good, and the Canon seems to be a work horse. I can see
the benefit of the tilting LCD screen when shooting a mural on the
floor. After a day of dealing with NYC camera salesmen -- are there any
clay folks that have either of these cameras who can tell me about
their experience with either of these two babies? Many thanks, Mary
Frank Gaydos on wed 14 mar 01
My friend Jon teaches Photography.
Here is his thoughts on the camera decision.
Frank Gaydos
----- Original Message -----
> Nikon 990 is the most versatile and solid camera out
> there under $2000. It's what all the pros use as
> personal cameras and it has a large supply of
> accessory lenses and filters available and many user
> groups on the net.
Jon Spielberg
> > > > the Nikon 990 and the Canon G1
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