Tim Skeen on fri 16 mar 01
I want to thank everyone that posted on the list and e-mailed me privately.
Some stated that they are facing the same hard move that I am because of
certain physical problems so I decided to list some of the suggestions that
may help. One said that she felt that there are electric potters and kick
wheel potters. I believe it because I didn't realize that so many still
work on kick wheels. I went from manual kicking to motorized kick and now
the electric All your suggestions where wonderful and the stories about a
12 step program for kickers and support groups helped me get past my
frustration ...
Today I am happy to say I made pots!!!!.
1) I raised my electric wheel to the height of my kick wheel. It's awkward
because I have both feet and the pedal resting on other stools around me
instead of the floor. With this set up I can sit high or stand and throw
like I did on the kick wheel. Has any one built a cabinet/counter around
their wheel? Or set their wheel into a work table?
2) Most people suggested slowing the wheel, setting the speed and taking my
foot off the pedal. I tried this and it worked great!
3) Some people suggested raising the pedal off the floor which I did and it
helped. One potter rests the pedal on a stool next to the wheel head and
controls it with his hand. One told a story of a potter who raised the
pedal and uses his hip to control the speed. The technique that I'm trying
today is to slow the wheel with each pull to recreate the coasting feel of
the kick wheel. The stories were great!!! What struck me was the
determination that we potters have to continue making pots... We just adapt
to new techniques and find new equipment to help the process.
4) A few people took their pedals apart and found a small switch they
adjusted to help control the speed.
5) With the kick wheel I was throwing very soft/smooth clay (fine grog). I
was also throwing thin walls.(for me that is) Trying to get used to the
electric wheel with the soft clay was a nightmare so I switched to throwing
with my hand building clay (raku/heavy grog). It worked like a charm. I
decided until I get used to the electric wheel I'll throw thicker walls and
my pots may not have the same look/feel to them but heck ya can't have
everything. I'm just happy to be throwing pots again.!!!
Thank you again so much for your help and great suggestions, now I don't
have to face a 12 step program for kickers. But I know that the first,
warm, beautiful spring day my old friend on the screen porch will call my
name and I'll just have to do a little kicking...
Audrey Skeen
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