Dear Mel,
I just finished reading your article in P.M.I. about the combo gas/elecctric kiln and I'm really intrigued . Just a few questions for now as I'm sure your very busy. You said to obtain a high heat bunson burner but just how many BTU's is that? I have an engineer friend that has a "large" bunson burner and offered to give it to me. I'm afraid to say yes to taking this for fear that it won't be what I need. This friend is actually my sisters father in-law and I'd really hate to run into the situation where it wasn't what i needed and now everytime he asks how its working I'd have to lie about it.
also, what do you consider a "beater" of a kiln? can this hybrid kiln still be used for firing just on electric like for a bisque load and then used for gas as well? I personallyonly own one electric kiln but my studio group has another one (brand new computer controlled) for group use. I might have to go out on my own soon (our studio has been sold and is slated for demolition within the year) and can't afford to be stuck with a kiln that I can no longer bisque normally in.
thank you for any help you can send my way.
Stacey Klopp