Karen Sullivan on wed 28 mar 01
I have a new web site, and had help setting it up...
I used a free hosting with earthlink...
no banner.
And I am annoyed by the banners and resent their
check out my site...it is clean, loads quickly..
no banners....
So it was worth the investment of web design...
I have not decided what the site does for me...
no sales...
So no domain name....
and thus far I just refer clayarters
and friends to view the site.
bamboo karen
on 3/28/01 6:46 PM, Mudnjoy@AOL.COM at Mudnjoy@AOL.COM wrote:
> My geek friend who updates my web site, (OK I haven't the slightest idea how
> to do anything with it,) thinks I should pay big bucks, get a domain and get
> rid of hypermart and the "unprofessional" flashing goofy banner ads. He has
> a banner blocker so I've never even seen them.
> Anyone out there have a site with banner ads?
> Anyone offended or distracted by banner ads?
> Anyone else have an ad blocker?
> Joy in Tucson working on mounting 34 wall pieces at once. Wow what a rush.
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
> melpots@pclink.com.
K.Wilson on wed 28 mar 01
I hate banners - I use a blocker, and am much happier.
Mudnjoy@AOL.COM wrote:
> My geek friend who updates my web site, (OK I haven't the slightest idea how
> to do anything with it,) thinks I should pay big bucks, get a domain and get
> rid of hypermart and the "unprofessional" flashing goofy banner ads. He has
> a banner blocker so I've never even seen them.
> Anyone out there have a site with banner ads?
> Anyone offended or distracted by banner ads?
> Anyone else have an ad blocker?
> Joy in Tucson working on mounting 34 wall pieces at once. Wow what a rush.
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at melpots@pclink.com.
Katherine Wilson & Donald Wilson
Nanaimo, BC, Canada
Where the liquid sun shines occasionally,
and the white stuff rarely falls
Mudnjoy@AOL.COM on wed 28 mar 01
My geek friend who updates my web site, (OK I haven't the slightest idea how
to do anything with it,) thinks I should pay big bucks, get a domain and get
rid of hypermart and the "unprofessional" flashing goofy banner ads. He has
a banner blocker so I've never even seen them.
Anyone out there have a site with banner ads?
Anyone offended or distracted by banner ads?
Anyone else have an ad blocker?
Joy in Tucson working on mounting 34 wall pieces at once. Wow what a rush.
Ababi on thu 29 mar 01
I made a site in ClubPhoto. They gave me the place for free because of two
important reasons 1) They love me
2)They can advertise themselves and their softwares thruogh me to all of you
and all my friends&family.
I can pay 40$ a year and get the place clean even singing. I rather pay the
money to my suppliers.
There are programs to remove banners.For the surfer. I found only one good
but it was too good and limited almost all my surfing. So I gave up,and see
the banners...and my connection is slow anyway.
Ababi Sharon
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 4:46 AM
Subject: Web sites and banner ads
> My geek friend who updates my web site, (OK I haven't the slightest idea
> to do anything with it,) thinks I should pay big bucks, get a domain and
> rid of hypermart and the "unprofessional" flashing goofy banner ads. He
> a banner blocker so I've never even seen them.
> Anyone out there have a site with banner ads?
> Anyone offended or distracted by banner ads?
> Anyone else have an ad blocker?
> Joy in Tucson working on mounting 34 wall pieces at once. Wow what a
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
Marie Gibbons on thu 29 mar 01
In a message dated 3/28/01 8:03:32 PM Pacific Standard Time, Mudnjoy@AOL.COM
> :
I just noticed you are on aol... i also am on aol, and don't have the banners
(I don't think, once on a friends computer - a MAC we opened my site and it
was within the homestead banner thing, but it isn't on my computer and other
non macs that i have looked at) If your site is thru aol, and you are on
homestead you can request to get out of there and just do your site like...
marie gibbons
Marie Gibbons on thu 29 mar 01
Personally I do think the banners are distracting, and can give a 'blue light
special' feel to otherwise wonderful sites, especially those kinds that pop
up whole new pages infront of the site. There are some hosting places that
are free that don't have a whole lot of distraction, like homestead.com.
marie gibbons
Milton Markey on thu 29 mar 01
Hi Joy!
I am co-designing a website, for the retreat property I caretake. We plan to
use GeoCities.com, since the advertizing banner is small, and can be deleted
by clicking on the upper right corner of the banner.
The problem I've noted is that the banner advertizes just about anything,
from car sales to Bibles to whatnots. There have been some unintentionally
hilarious messages between the ad and the website itself. For instance, I
logged onto a pagan ritual website, and a Christian bookstore ad appeared!
Hmm, talk about spiritual intervention (or interference, depending from what
point of view one comes from)!
Another thing to note is the restrictions on actually selling anything on the
"banner ad" websites, such as GeoCities. One cannot, according to the long
laundry list of acceptable practices, make a direct sale from a Geocities
webpage. The Geocities webpage can be used to display one's art, and to post
one's biography, education, artistic goals, etc, but one is denied the tools
to sell (via credit card transaction), from the webpage itself. One is not
allowed to show prices for wares--it's in the fine print. Geocities wants the
revenue from the banner ads and "click throughs" to retail websites, but
without competition from those who create free webpages on Geocities itself.
I suggest starting out with a free website, such as Geocities, if your
intention is to show your art, and introduce yourself to the vast cyber-art
audience. One can link visitors to an Email page, for them to make inquiries
about the wares, and get prices, shipping info, etc, for an offline
Once you are moreso confident with the web, make the transition to the retail
web hosts and etc., of the moreso flexible, but moreso complicated forms of
web communication.
Best wishes!
Milton NakedClay@AOL.COM
Ron on thu 29 mar 01
I recently put up a new web site myself and invited fellow Clayarter's to
view it and give me some feedback. Quite a few responded and gave me back
alot of positive input along with a few typos which I corrected. Several
commented that they were glad to see that I had no banners or java scripts
that loaded up music or dancing hippo's running across the screen just nice
looking pots. Food for thought.
Ron Aubuchon
-----Original Message-----
From: Ceramic Arts Discussion List [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG]On
Behalf Of Mudnjoy@AOL.COM
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 8:46 PM
Subject: Web sites and banner ads
My geek friend who updates my web site, (OK I haven't the slightest idea how
to do anything with it,) thinks I should pay big bucks, get a domain and get
rid of hypermart and the "unprofessional" flashing goofy banner ads. He has
a banner blocker so I've never even seen them.
Anyone out there have a site with banner ads?
Anyone offended or distracted by banner ads?
Anyone else have an ad blocker?
Joy in Tucson working on mounting 34 wall pieces at once. Wow what a rush.
Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
John Cieply on thu 29 mar 01
I'm a part-time potter on this list. My wife is the REAL artist/potter in
the family. I created a website to show off her work
(http://kilnworks.cieply.com). I joined this list to pass her information.
The guys at the studio I work at (http://thecreativeoasis.com/) consider me
"Super Geek".... I've been developing "Internet" tools since 1983, way
before the Internet became commercial. I'm a partner in an Internet Services
Provider, Centre Of the Web,(http://centreweb.com) so, I am an expert at
these types of questions.
It does not have to be expensive to own your own website. I talked with
Charlie Hughes, my teacher and a great potter, about an idea I have for this
group. This thread seems like a good place to post the idea.
I'm thinking about creating a set of web-based tools to allow any artist to
create and maintain his/her website without any knowledge of html. The
artist could change the content of the website, add/delete photos, manage a
personal mailing list, send email to the list, use shared "yahoo-like"
directory of links all from browser-based forms. We talked about the costs
to do this, and I thought of $25/year to have a website under The Creative
Oasis website, like http://thecreativeoasis.com/artist/kilnworks/ and
$25/month to have your own domain with the tools that you can have full
control over, which would also include 1 mail account and unlimited email
aliasing, i.e.. you can have your email forwarded to others, so all email to
potter@abcpotter.com would be sent to an AOL or other ISP.
I have most of the code to implement this, and the users would help
customize it to be a useful tool. I've implemented something similar before
with http://www.colemandealers.com/. Centre Of Web maintains many Coleman
Folding Trailers dealers this way for the past 2 years and it has worked
very well, the dealers are happy and they do not pay a fortune to have Web
This could be implemented in a couple weeks, if there is an interest. You
can send me private email to john@cieply.com if you are interested in the
My thoughts on the questions asked:
> My geek friend who updates my web site, (OK I haven't the slightest idea
> to do anything with it,) thinks I should pay big bucks, get a domain and
> rid of hypermart and the "unprofessional" flashing goofy banner ads. He
> a banner blocker so I've never even seen them.
Does not have to be big bucks.... see above...
> Anyone out there have a site with banner ads?
I use Microsoft Link Exchange on my wife's site http://kilnworks.cieply.com/
This site allows you to create a banner add for your site and put it in the
system to be shown on other web sites. See, http://linkexchange.com/
> Anyone offended or distracted by banner ads
> Anyone else have an ad blocker?
Some banners offend me, I've customized the banners on our site to be Art
related. Geocities Banners really annoy me. The ones that pop up a new
window, that always seems to cover up important information on the website.
eartharr on thu 29 mar 01
During the pervious year I put together two web pages one with the help of
my geek friend and one a free site for our local studio tour.( this one had
the banner ads.) After that experience and listening to all the complaints,
I choose to go with a professional look of a paid for hosting site with my
own domain name. Remember that it will cost a per month fee with very
little prospect of immediate financial rewards. I have conceived of a
marketing strategy to go along with my web site.(I will have to report later
whether it works.) I guess what I am saying is that you need to decide if
the added cost is worth it to you.
Ed Kraft
Earth Arrangements
2109 39th St
Bellingham, WA 98226
360 734-6839 ph 360 647 0416 fax
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 6:46 PM
Subject: Web sites and banner ads
> My geek friend who updates my web site, (OK I haven't the slightest idea
> to do anything with it,) thinks I should pay big bucks, get a domain and
> rid of hypermart and the "unprofessional" flashing goofy banner ads. He
> a banner blocker so I've never even seen them.
> Anyone out there have a site with banner ads?
> Anyone offended or distracted by banner ads?
> Anyone else have an ad blocker?
> Joy in Tucson working on mounting 34 wall pieces at once. Wow what a
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
Ashley Hasselman on thu 29 mar 01
hi joy...
my experience is that getting your own domain is definitely a good idea if
you intend to begin to tap into the possibility of the web as an additional
channel of distribution. which one do you think people are more likely to
recognize, remember and return to: something like
www.isp.com/~users/yourname/yoursite.com or just www.yoursite.com?
banner ads are definitely a nuisance to the end user--- especially the ones
that open new windows. they draw attention away from your site and your
content and can even cause a user to leave your site altogether.
bootbox.net offers totally free web hosting without banner ads. they host
domains (yoursite.com) and subdomains (bootbox.yoursite.com or something
if you want to get your own domain, you will have to go through the steps
outlined on their site or they won't host it for free. to register the
domain will cost the usual $70 for two years-- just make sure you follow the
steps on the bootbox web site to do it.
i've used them in the past for clients who didn't want to pick up a monthly
hosting fee. their services are pretty extensive considering that it is free
and there are no banners. i think they even offer a free e-commerce
solution, but i have not checked it out.
keep in mind that since it is free you are not going to get a lot of
support-- bootbox only offers support over email, there's no number to call
if something goes wrong. personally, however, i've yet to have a problem so
big that this was actually an issue.
hope that helps... ashley
Vikki Dow on thu 29 mar 01
I tried to offer this suggestion before and it never got posted - I figured
Mel thought I was advertising or something, but I have been very happy with
bigstep.com. We have had our web site through them for about 8 months, and
it has worked well for us. They just have a narrow blue strip across the
top which says "bigstep.com", but no banner ads, and their basic service is
still FREE! They are a little limiting in format and backgrounds - you need
to use their templates, but overall I think it's a great service. Check it
out at http://www.bigstep.com, and/or take a look at our web site as an
example. I think a couple of other Clayarters use them, too.
Vikki Dow & Libby Still-Hanline
email: vikkid@earthlink.net
website: http://www.stilltreepottery.com
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