Mudnjoy@AOL.COM on thu 5 apr 01
Years ago I developed the "I don't mark it sold until it's paid in full"
policy. I'll gladly hold anything with a 10-20% deposit. Non refundable.
Hey I'll allow the deposit to be applied to studio credit for any other item
I'm not completely customer unfriendly. I developed this policy after
marking my best vase sold at a weekend studio opening because a friend of my
former husbands said he DEFINITELY would buy it. It was marked sold for the
whole weekend and the guy didn't buy it. Now even when I'm holding something
with a deposit I mark it SALE PENDING, and take down phone numbers of anyone
who shows an interest in the piece. Heck when I'm in a real callus mood I
don't consider it sold until the Check clears the bank.
Here's another scenarios and how do other's handle them. Someone usually
a social contact insists they want a particular piece or definitely want to
buy some pieces. They will be in town in April, or they need to get the couch
before deciding which piece they want. They either don't come to town and
I've held a few pieces out of galleries or shows waiting for their visit, or
my next phone call to them finds the couch hasn't arrived or they need to
straighten out their checking account. After 3 or 4 phone calls from me
are met with additional indecision or excuses I just back off. It seems that
it is only social contacts that string me along, and then they stop attending
my studio receptions. I'm guessing they are ashamed that they changed their
mind and didn't know how to say so. Really I'm not being hopeful and they are
seeking me out and saying they definitely want to buy. I'd rather keep them
as customers of my $40-$60. Lizard boxes and forget the $400. aborted wall
piece sale. How do you others handle the above situation?
"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want."
"Policy is what you make when you don't want to repeat an experience."
Thanks for your insights on banner adds. Guess who's getting her domain
name for her Birthday? OK I'll write the check and use it as a business
expense and receive cash from the boyfriend.
Joy in Tucson enjoying the last of the breathlessly lovely mauve poppies in
the yard.
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