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scotch and scottish, scotswoman and scotsman

updated sun 15 apr 01


Terrance Lazaroff on fri 13 apr 01

When I was a young recruit in the 48th Highlanders of Canada. I was scolded
by my Sergeant who spoke with a very thick Scottish accent. He asked me
what I was trying to do and I responded, "trying to be a good Scotch
Soldier". He told me in no uncertain terms that Scotch comes from a bottle
and the Scots enjoy the taste.

And yes, We were 100% natural and unencumbered by any industrial cloths,
under our kilts.
We knew the girls wanted to peek but that they were too shy to ask. So we
asked if they would like us to do a twirl for them. I don't know why, but
they always giggled when we did so.
