Logan Oplinger on tue 17 apr 01
Lewis & All,
I make tiles two ways, 1. with an extruder, and 2. by rolling out and
joining small slabs.
My extruder shapes are like the letter capital "L" w/ textures extruded w/
the tile strip. They are free standing, about 3" high and when cut, 1"
wide. The front of the leg part has smooth wide groves in the top third,
close sharp groves in the mid third and no texture around the bottom third.
The "toe" provides a protected place to label. After bisqueing, they stack
& store nice and compact.
( ) I brush vertical oxide stripes on the
| ( smooth back. Each top corner is dipped
| ) once in glaze, which forms a triangular
| > overlap in the middle of the top.
| > ---------
| > |\*****/| Before bisque firing I may
| | __ |_\***/_| plug the sides at the toe
| | | | |==\*/==| w/ a small slab of clay if
| |__| | |===X===| I will be working w/ glaze
|________| | / \ | tests I suspect may run
EXTRUDED SHAPE | / \ | a lot. Then I glaze only
SIDE VIEW. |/ \| the tile front.
FRONT VIEW >>>> (|G# xxxx|)
w/ plugs & label||^10 R ||
My slab test tiles are cut from slabs 14"x14"x1/4" thick w/ a 1"x1" base,
and a 1"x1&1/2" upright. I use a 1" wide strip of wood as a guide for the
base, and a 1&1/2" strip for the upright. After marking the slab for the
uprights, I use a plastic fork w/ smooth tines to press grooves into the
clay before cutting to size. The bottom of the uprights is dipped into slip
and pressed onto the base. I can do about 100 of these in 90 min. from slab
to tile.
_ _________
| [ |=========| I glaze these in the same
| [ |=========| fashion as my extruded
| [ |=========| tiles. The base on both
| [ |=========| sides catches runs from
| | | | the double glazed over-
| | | | lap area. I have not
| | | | shown the glazed area
____| |____ |_________| here.
|___________| |_________|
Logan Oplinger
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