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stable glaze update

updated sun 22 apr 01


John Hesselberth on fri 20 apr 01

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update for those interested in this subject.

You may remember that Ron Roy and I offered (with a lot of help from Ruth
Butler, editor of Ceramics Monthly) to make our article that was published
in the September issue of CM available to any other ceramics journal in the
world. We now have confirmation that it has been published in South Africa
in National Ceramics, #54. We also know that Emmanuel Cooper is considering
it for publication in Ceramic Review. Has anyone around the world seen it
show up in their journal? Sometimes the journal editors are a little slow
in letting us know.

On another note, the first fully scripted slide sets of my NCECA talk,
"Stable Glazes for Functional Pottery", have now been shipped! What a
thrill to know it may be taught in classrooms yet this Spring! The word is
spreading. If you are interested in getting a set for your use, visit my
web site. Or you can now order from one of our favorite Clayarters: Steven
Branfman and The Potters Shop. Don't even think about checking certain you won't find it there.

A third item. I haven't been getting very many test results from glazes you
have tested recently. The list of tested recipes on my web site has been a
bit static. If you have tested and are willing to share your results please
send them to me.

Now I better get back to work on that book before Ron gets out the whip;
he's a real taskmaster--but a nice one.

Regards, John

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"The life so short, the craft so long to learn." Chaucer's translation of
Hippocrates, 5th cent. B.C.