Joyce Lee on mon 23 apr 01
Thank you, Lynne, for posting this url. Delightful site. Funny, being
influenced by Charlotte, I was thinking of making micro face jugs
myself... and there they are. Hmmm. Can't believe I'm rethinking my
position already about staying with one form until I'm satisfied with
it. The micros are so tempting. At the moment.... and I emphasize
"moment"... I'm at least staying focused on one process for a week or
two at a time. Right now, it's slabs.... whatever I choose to create
with slabs, including teapots. Next couple of weeks it's throwing ...
narrowing to mugs and teapots. After that, extrusions. Teapots will be
part of each process. AND I'm trying to determine which glaze I will use
as I create the pot. I suppose I could make miniature pots via each
process, huh? Anyway, I have a plan to become more focused .... a plan
that isn't too grandiose ... once determined to make 400 teapots ...
that lasted for about 20... only 380 short ....
This seems much more viable than going to the studio.... making a slab
bowl; then throwing a couple mugs; then working on a 24" coil pot;
returning to slabs for a wall plate; ending with throwing on the micro
wheel. That's as focused as I could get ... not because I was bored...
never have been bored one second with clay ... but because there are so
many temptations singing their siren song as I try to stay on target.
Who's the boss here, anyway? I? or the clay?
In the Mojave Desert of California United States of America down a sandy
road in a roamy kind of added-on house with arches, stucco, and a
garage/studio lovin' critters, potters and various other pleasant and
not-so-pleasant folk where there are days when UPS is the only vehicle
on our road but that's changing since the road just east of us has
developed such bigtime ruts during the rains and they don't have a nice
gentleman who likes to drag their road smooth like we do who never
smiles and barely acknowledges our wave but faithfully drags a big piece
of concrete attached to his truck after each rain which makes our road
get deeper and deeper but no potholes nor ditches are permitted and now
the people on the next road to the east have cut the wire fence and
drive through the wornout alfalfa field and use OUR road so we sometimes
have 8 or 10 vehicles daily which means I have to look for traffic both
ways before going through the gate can civilization be far behind?
Hello, Mr. Faulkner.... are you rolling in your grave?
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