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members' web sites request

updated sun 6 may 01


Helen Bates on wed 2 may 01

Subject: Members' Web Sites Request

Members of Clayart:

I am preparing my final list of organizations and individuals
subscribed to Clayart and who have web site for uploading to
the list hopefully by the end of May, 2001.

These are the Organizations, Publications, Schools, Suppliers,
Etc. for which I presently have Web Site addresses (URLs). If
your organization is not on this list and you wish it to be,
please send me an e-mail privately listing:
Organization's name;
Full internet web page address;
Name of person writing to Clayart for organization.

I will also be visiting all the links I have to be sure they
are current, before uploading them to the list.

Also, I will shortly be sending a list of the individuals
whose URLs I have, divided alphabetically. The list is lengthy
so I may subdivide it into 3 posts, ie: A-J; K-R; S-Z.

Thank you all.

Yours very truly,


Organizations, etc.

American Craft;
Appalachian Center for Craft;
Artisans Hand;
Artisans London;
Arts & Crafts Pennsylvani;
Axner Pottery Supply;
Bath Potters;
Berkely Potters' Guild;
Chinese Clayart;
Clayart Home Page;
Clayart Archives;
Clayart Stay at Home Mug Exchange;
Clay Times;
Coyote, Clay & Color;
Digital Fire Corporation;
Eclay Cafe;
Empty Bowls;
Euclid Kilns & Elements;
Fresno City College Ceramics Dept.;
Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art;
Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village;
Kelowna Clay Fest;
Laloba Ranch;
Manos de Oaxaca;
Metchosin Summer School of the Arts;
Midland Potters Association;
Moravian Tile Works;
Nottingham Center for the Arts;
Oxaca Mexican Pottery;
Planet Earth;
Pottery Com;
PotteryInfo Com;
Sierra Nevada College;
Smart Conseil;
The Chapel of Art;
The Clay Studio;
The Clayart Center;
The Clearing;
The Potters Council;
The Strictly Unofficial Clay Art Web Site;
Tucker's Pottery Supplies;
UK Potters;
Virtual Ceramics Exhibit;
92nd. St. "Y";


Helen Bates

Helen Bates on fri 4 may 01

Clayart Subscribers;

Regarding names of clayarters with web sites or work on the www:

I've compiled a list of all individuals and all organizations who have
web sites or whose work can be viewed somewhere on the World Wide
Web. Anyone who sent me their request in the past couple of days has
been added to the list, but should check anyway. Anyone else who has
a web page and is not on the list, please inform me privately if you
want me to include you.

As many of you may know, I intend to post my collection of Clayarters'
web site addresses (URLS) on Clayart in two or three weeks.

Just to clarify: the list will be in the Clayart Archives once it is
posted. You will be able to search for it there or at Bill
Amsterlaw's site, or at Escribe's archives of Clayart.

The alphabetical list of individuals is first, followed by the
organizations. I have added Laguna to the organizations list as well
as Ward Burners.


Aerni, Richard;
Aldridge, Ray;
Alexander, Bebe;
Amsterlaw, Bill;
Anderson, Graeme;
Arbuckle, Linda;
Atherton, Jodie;
Aubuchon, Ron;
Averill-Savino, Kelly;

Badenhorst, Antoinette;
Bair, Gayle;
Barbe, Marilyn;
Bassett, Bobbi;
Bastarache, Edouard;
Baum, Kris;
Baymore, John;
Bazard, Francoise;
Beach, Sue;
Behan, Jim;
Bellero, Lauren;
Berry, Linda;
Beverlin, Darlene;
Bjerkan, Peggy;
Bloomfield, L.;
Blumenthal, Matthew;
Bouchette, Deborah;
Boyer, Jennifer;
Boyle, Kevin;
Boyd, Mark (NAP);
Bozeman, Jim;
Brayford, Pierre;
Brink, Ann;
Britt, John;
Brown, Barbara;
Brown, Jeff;
Brunner, Earl;
Bryant, Victor;
Burkett, Richard;
Burroughs, Donald;

Campbell, Bill;
Cannon, Jan;
Cantello, Chris;
Carlton, Ray;
Caraty, Denis;
Carpenter, Andie;
Cassman, Faye;
Chatenever, Scott;
Chicoyne, Lisa;
Christen, Linda;
Cieply, John;
Clausen, Alisa;
Clarke, Chris;
Clift, Andy;
Clennell, Tony;
Cohen, Burt;
Cohn, Bonita;
Colyar, Pat;
Conley, Vicki;
Cope, Mitsuru;
Corbin, Katheryn;
Corcos, Christine;
Cordrey, Katie;;
Crimp, Les;
Cummings, Charlie;
Currie, Ian;
Cuttell, Sam;
Cuzick, David;

Daniels, Lee;
Dapogny, Gail;
Davidson, Larry;
Davy, Susan;
De Maine, Johanna;
Dibden, Arthur;
Doner, Kristin;
Dow, Vikki;
Downey, Autumn;
Dresang, Paul;
Duclos, Monique;
DuQuella, Cyra;

Edelman, Bacia;
Eden, Eleanora;
Eitel, Dave;
Elert, Jessi;
Elfring, Gary;

Farrero, Charley;
Fasimpaur, Andi;
Farrell, Nancy;
Ferguson, Tony;
Fishman, Robert;
Flippin, Candise;
Flowerman, Marvin;
Franz, Katy;
Frizzell, Sandy;
Forsythe, Fraser;
Fouts, Russel;
Fulladosa, Craig;

Gatto, Cindy;
Gattuso, Anne;
Gaydos, Frank;
Geiger-Ho, Martie;
Gibbons, Marie;
Ginter, Cindy;
Glenn, Dave;
Gloviczki, Marta;
Goddard, Jo;
Goff, Marvin;
Goldenberg, Carla;
Goldstein, Susan;
Goldie, Fay;
Goodrich, Don;
Gorgels, Bettie;
Grant, Dayton;
Gray, Tom;

Hagiwara, Terry;
Hamlin, Michael;
Hamm, Bob;
Hanley, Cheryl;
Hardin, Vicki;
Harrison, Janis;
Hartom, John;
Harvey, Reid;
Hayes, Erin;
Henderson, Anji;
Hendley, David;
Hengst, Christy;
Henley, Chris;
Henriksen, Torgeir;
Hensley, Richard;
Herbert, Joseph;
Hermans, Guenter;
Hermsen, Tony;
Herring, Pam;
Herz, May;
Hesselberth, John;
Hewitt, David;
Hluch, Kevin;
Hollingsworth, Priscilla;
Holstrom, Nisse;
Holt, Gary;
Hoskins, Don;
House, Sarah;
Howard, Arnold;
Howard, Beverly;
Howard, Des;
Howard, Martin;
Howell, Alton;
Howkins, Steve;
Hoyman, Jan;
Huel, Paul & Carole;
Hughes, Charles;
Hughes, Ryan;
Humphries, Tom;

Irvine, Steve;
Isaksson, Isak;

Jacobson, Mel;
Jaffe, Lee;
Jeffery, Richard;
Jensen, Barb;
Jensen, Jay;
Jensen, John;
Jones, Don;

Lamont, Greg;
Lauwers, Taty;
Lawrence, Jeff;
Lawton, James;
Lazaroff, T.F.;
Leigh, Sheri;
Lewing, Paul
Lockett, John
Lopez, Lionel
Lotz, Chic
Lou, Nils
Love, Lee
Lovejoy, Jon
Lowe, Michelle
Lund, Barb
Lynch, Tim

Mace, Rick;
Mahaffey, Rick;
Major, Leava;
Malicky, David;
Mann, Barbara;
Mann, Val;
Marshall, Will;
Martell, Craig;
Matthews, Wayne;
McBeth, David;
McCarthy, Gail;
McDonald, Kathy;
McDowell, Michael;
McLeod, Jeremy;
McRaine, Dean;
Melville, F.;
Merlino, Jack;
Michaelson, Carol-Ann;
Michaude, Joyce;
Michel, Gary ;
Mills, Steve;
Mindling, Eric;
Molinaro, Joe;
Mondloch, Mark;
Montague, Caroline;
Morrill, Don & Isao;
Morris, Marlene F;
Moses, Herb;
Motzkin, Judy;

Neale, Zahidi;
Neilson, Wendy;

Oliver, Elaine;
Ostman, Lasse;

Paine, Barrie;
Pancioli, Diana;
Parker, Amy;
Parry-Thomas, Stephen;
Pearlman, Emily;
Perry, June;
Petrin, Mark;
Phatak, Alka;
Philbeck, Ron;
Phillips, Larry;
Pike, Bob;
Pitelka, Vince;
Porter, Patrica;
Possoz, Anne;
Post, John;
Potgieter, Cobus;
Potter, Shelley;
Priddy, Elizabeth;


Raffi, Valice;
Raghavan, Veena;
Rau, Patty;
Rhudy, Dannon;
Riggs, Charlie & Linda;
Roberts, Rebecca;
Robocon, Jody;
Rogers, Phil;
Rogers, Phil;
Rolley, Wesley;
Rowe, Eric;
Roy, Ron;
Rudman, Debi;

Sadow, Harvey;
Salter, Cindi;
Sanami-Morrill, Don & Isao;
Sanger, Chuck;
Santerre, Robert;
Schafale, Chris;
Schran, William R.;
Selfridge, Carol & Richard;
Selsor, Marcia;
Sharon, Ababi;
Shepard, James;
Shora, Mayssan;
Silverman, Jean;
Sims, Judy;
Singer, Jon;
Sipe, Lee;
Skeen, Audrey;
Skeen, L. P.;
Smith, Nan;
Snyder, Forrest;
Sondahl, Brad;
Sowers, Michael;
Speakman, Teresa;
Speers, Jim;
Spilacho, Stephen;
Stebenne, Marianne;
Stephenson, Stephani;
Still-Hanline, Libby;
Stoddart, Penni;
Streno, Joe;
Strnad, Cindy;
Sullivan, Karen;
Sydnor, Jim;

Talbott, Marshall;
Tall, Cheryl;
Taylor, Dan & Joanne;
Taylor, Paul;
Tilton, John;
Towne, Maggie;
Townsend, Chris I.;
Tucker, Donald (Rush);
Tullis, Clyde;
Turkel, Marni;
Turnquist, Tom;
Turton, Michael;

Unterschuetz, Kurt and Caryn;

Van Bezooyen, Joanne;
van der Sluys, Norman;

Wang, Peter;
Wakely, Garry;
Walker, Geoff;
Weaver, Bill;
Weckwerth, Nancy;
Wendt, Michael;
Westfall, Kenneth D.;
Wild, Kurt;
Wilburton, Iris;
Wilkinson, Lori;
Wimsatt, Genice;
Wirt, Tom;
Wisner, Michael;
Woodside, Jane;
Wong, Eric;
Worthington, Tim;
Wright, Ron;


Yamashita, Mary Ella;
Yancey, Ken;
Young, Candace;

Zahidi, Neale;
Zamek, Jeff;
Zappa, Nick & Joan;
Zayas, Adam;
Zhou, Poslin;
Zimmerman, Jessica;
Zola, Christina;

Organizations, etc.

American Craft;
Appalachian Center for Craft;
Artisans Hand;
Artisans London;
Arts & Crafts Pennsylvani;
Axner Pottery Supply;
Bath Potters;
Berkely Potters' Guild;
Chinese Clayart;
Clayart Home Page;
Clayart Archives;
Clayart Stay at Home Mug Exchange;
Clay Times;
Coyote, Clay & Color;
Digital Fire Corporation;
Eclay Cafe;
Empty Bowls;
Euclid Kilns & Elements;
Fresno City College Ceramics Dept.;
Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art;
Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village;
Kelowna Clay Fest;
Laguna Clay Co.;
Laloba Ranch;
Lester B. Pearson/Metchosin Summer School of the Arts;
Manos de Oaxaca;
Midland Potters Association;
Moravian Tile Works;
Nottingham Center for the Arts;
Oxaca Mexican Pottery;
Planet Earth;
Pottery Com;
PotteryInfo Com;
Sierra Nevada College;
Smart Conseil;
The Chapel of Art;
The Clay Studio;
The Clayart Center;
The Clearing;
The Potters Council;
The Strictly Unofficial Clay Art Web Site;
Tucker's Pottery Supplies;
UK Potters;
Virtual Ceramics Exhibit;
Ward Burners;
92nd. St. "Y";



Helen Bates

Russel Fouts on sat 5 may 01

Web Hunter Helen,

I imagine you crouched in front of your screen in a pith helmet with
mouse at the ready. ;-)

>> Regarding names of clayarters with web sites or work on the www: <<

Just to remind people, a whole lot of you are on the Potters Portal at Look under Clayart Potters. I admit, it's a
few weeks out of date.

When you get your list compiled could I use it to update mine like we
did last time?

It's always good to have several places to find us on the web.



Russel Fouts
Mes Potes et Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 223 02 75
Fax: +32 2 210 04 06
Mobile: +32 476 55 38 75