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updated sun 6 may 01


Helen Bates on sat 5 may 01

Still plowing through a whole lot of site I visited in April...


The Jeff Boock Clay Gallery
Jeff Boock's page at the University of Missouri.
Jeff's work varies from traditional to experimental,
and some of the interest at this site is his brief
description of the making and glazing of his various
pieces. Thumbnails clickable to larger format images.


The Clay Studio Associate Artists
potter associates of The Clay Studio


The Axis database online
Axis Database image search page
(more complete than the thumbnails page)
(Has thumbnails of ceramic works.)
(Not complete beyond page one but looks as though it will
be a great resource once it is eventually completed.)


Sun Koo Yuh at Helen Drutt Galleries, Philadelphia
Sun Koo Yuh stoneware sculptures. Extremely colourful.


Ramona Peters Woodland Native American reproduction pottery
Ramona Peters writes:
> Pottery of the Eastern Woodland Native American is
> rarely seen outside museum collections. The traditional
> forms of these pots are unique to the northeast region
> of North America. The styles of Wampanoag pots I've
> chosen to make available to collectors of Native American
> Art date back through 4,000 years before present (B.P.).
> Each piece is coil constructed in the same manner as
> my ancestors (...).



Helen Bates