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seeking vitreous engobe formula

updated tue 8 may 01


Stephani Stephenson on sun 6 may 01

You can find one version of John and Susanne Stephenson's engobes in
the back of Susan Peterson's book, "The Craft and Art of Clay". Don't
know about the edition, the one I have is 1992, 'The Stripey Pot '
cover, page 328
Here it is. There is some added text in the book:

Ball Clay 19.4 %
Kaolin 17.7%
Nepheline Syenite 23.4%
Borax 4.3%
Silica 26.7%
Zircopax 8.5%

10-15% stain added to this.
Substitute fire clay for kaolin for a variation on stoneware

Stephani Stephenson
in Carlsbad, CA, where 80,000 - 90,000 people descended on the spring
craft fair today