Mayssan1@AOL.COM on sun 13 may 01
Dear Clayarters:
I have not posted to this list for quite a while, I am still NOMAIL since
NCECA, But I found that reading the mail through is much better than reading it
through AOL .
I can read it as it comes in a timely manner and none of it gets lost and
that way I cut down on my frustrations with AOL.
The only disadvantage is that I can't click on to send an immediate answer,
But come to think of it, it actually is an advantage because this way I only
post what is essential after a little thought.
And from the rarity of my posts nowadays I know how essential my posts could
be :)
I hope this helps everybody that are not receiving their clayart fix through
AOL or whatever mail carrier that is too lax to deliver their mail.
Good luck.
Mayssan Shora Farra
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