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number of messages / aol

updated mon 14 may 01


Russel Fouts on sun 13 may 01


>> At this point I stopped counting. I believe Ken (RakuArtist) spoke to
some AOL techies and they said, if I may paraphrase, it will be fixed when
they get around to it. I would change providers, but I am a consultant and
fly all over the country and need the access that AOL gives me. <<

Many ISPs have agreements with other ISPs to provide local dailup access to
your account. In Belgium, my supplier Skynet has agreements with thousands
of ISPs all over the world through a service called GRIC ( It
cost just slightly more than my normal fee. Check with your local ISPs.

I think people get pushed around a lot by AOL. Historically, their strongest
efforts have always been put into expanding their customer base and less on
keeping those they have.


Russel Fouts
Mes Potes & Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 223 02 75
Mobile: +32 476 55 38 75