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important work after the age of 60

updated thu 31 may 01


Joyce Lee on wed 30 may 01

Since I didn't begin working with clay nor thinking much at all about =
art.... fooled with crafts a little... until after the age of 60, of =
course I believe that age is a number and that each day is what counts. =
Two events inspired me to write:

Had a checkup yesterday ... better health than when I retired six years =
ago... and I don't do a whole lot right when it comes to taking care of =
myself. Bone density of a 37 year old woman. Incredible.... a woman who =
had rickets as a toddler, wore heavy old corrective shoes for a period, =
learned to walk three different times.. parents were told that my =
"bones" would "have to be watched" ... I fully believe that it's =
attitude and because I'm doing lots of things that I really enjoy every =
day ... and that I belong to a community of potters who feel and radiate =
the same attitudes. What a boost you guys are... each and every day! =
(ok..... genes help..... indeedy...)

Second event? Using my Bailey extruder with air-compressor again today =
..... extruding square boxes.... boring but a learning experience, so =
I've told myself.... suddenly realized that I could make square boxes =
the first year I was in clay at a time when I wasn't doing anything else =
right ... I know, the boxes can be decorated creatively, carved, lots of =
great ideas in Diana's book and from Clayart... all true..... but not =
what I wanted from such an expensive piece of equipment, which was such =
a struggle for ME to just learn how to put all the steps together. I =
wanted something more..... so I switched expectations, began playing =
with it... recalled a show at Nils Lou's school which I attended first =
few months in clay... all the weird pipe looking things his students had =
done.... than I hadn't even known extruders existed ... started thinking =
about "art" and flowerpots etc ...... curvy, bent flowerpots with two or =
more openings ... vases..... unusual garden pots that our garden clubs =
are always requesting .... now I'm not bored.... and I'm still actively =
learning... even though the whole clay world already knew all this.... I =
didn't. Can't wait to see what happens next...

In the Mojave where wildflowers are ALL gone except for the jimson =
weed..... greenery is turning brown except for sage and tumble weeds, =
but they will be soon .... rabbits are searching out dried up sticks for =
food once more ... but the stars hanging in clusters, early mornings =
when it's cool, the shadows which color the mountains all those purples, =
pinks, blues that I didn't believe were realistic in paintings before =
moving west... time to sit out at night and watch the plane land over at =
the local airport..... count falling stars... listen to silence.....