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price of venco pugmill new

updated thu 24 may 01


craig clark on wed 23 may 01

Rod, I was a bit irritated when I posted my hasty reply. I just don't =
like it when I think that someone is getting screwed, especially if it's =
a fellow potter. I looked up the price that I found on the web for a =
brand new Venco MarkII Series de=3Dairing pugmill, 4" nozzle- 2 hp =
motor- 3/4 hp vacume pump-1200 lbs/hour, and found a price of $4148.00 =
US (I did the search last fall.) That doesn't include shipping. Maybe =
there is some really high tax where you are located or there are other =
mitigating circumstances such as astronomical shiipping charges to get =
things to you. Otherwise, I stand by what I said. $5000 sounds way to =
high. Don't worry about offending anyone with a price offer. You are the =
customer. You may as rude as you wish. They say it's nine years old, =
offer them $1000 and go from there.
Back in the early 90's I was able to purchase the Venco for $3200.00 US, =
plus a couple hundred more for shipping, for a school in Texas that I =
was attending. I don't remember who we bought it from, but I do remember =
that I got the address of the dealer from Ceramics Monthly and that he =
was located in San Diago Cal. I called all over the country and he was =
able to give me the best price. I remember the guy telling me that the =
mills are manufactured in Australia (don't know if that's true today) =
and that he was able to offer the best deal in the country at the time =
(which is why we bought from him.)
Like I said, I was being a bit of a hot head when I originally replied =
to your post. I hope this information is more helpful.
Craig Dunn Clark
619 East 11 1/2 st
Houston, TX 77008