Elizabeth Hewitt on sun 3 jun 01
Joyce said:
>>> That frustrating extruder ... such a totally mechanical device.... is
making me look at very common forms in a manner that is decidedly different
from my past experiences. Those square clay boxes that I was deriding as
soooo boring just a few days ago..... now fascinate me... the form, not the
box, as such. >>>
Speaking of extruders and boxes and tubes.....I recently bought The Extruder
Book, Daryl E. Baird. While the book has wonderful works by a number of
artists, I was blown away by one in particular. The work of William Shinn
(Santa Maria, California) is phenomenal, in my opinion. I checked the web to
see if I could find more of his work and came up with an award that he had
earned in a competition but nothing more. If I spent too much time in that
book, I'd be trying to figure out how to motorize my extruder or hiring the
use of someone's muscles.
Elizabeth, not 65 but inspired.
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