Gesine Rodger on wed 6 jun 01
I had no problem getting on their website. Here is their phone number =
1-800-554-3724 - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, 11 a.m. to 3 =
p.m. Sat. PDT. Hope that helps. Gesine
LOGAN OPLINGER on wed 6 jun 01
I had the same problem as Charles. So I did a search through GOOGLE and came up with the following address:
Logan Oplinger
-----Original Message-----
> Michael Wendt,
> In your recent post (June 3) on Helmer Kaolin Calcine, you gave the
> following web site: When I have attempted
> it, I have not been able to reach this site.
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