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" workshops for the summer"

updated tue 12 jun 01


Charles Moore on mon 11 jun 01


FireArt ClayWorks on Orangevale just east of Sacramento is holding a series
of workshops. For information, contact Morgan Britt, FireArt Clayworks,
7032 Hickory Ave., Orangevale, CA 95662.

Ron Roy is scheduled for a three-day glaze calculation workshop August 4-6.

Charles Moore
Sacramento CA

----- Original Message -----
From: "r12396"
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 9:36 AM
Subject: "N.Cal. Workshops for the summer"

To Any and All NorCAl Potters,

Would appricate any e-mail addresses of web sites, that have summer clay
workshops offerred. Would be nice to go to a few this summer. Richard G.
Ramirez, "The Clay Stalker", sent to

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