Craig Dunn Clark on mon 18 jun 01
I've been using a Pacifica 800 for about seven years. I've generally =
liked it, and loved the original purchase price which is why I bought it =
to begin with. It was 300 dollars cheaper than the comprable CXC model =
I have had a few problems. The bearing on the wheel shaft is going =
out and I don't think that this is a good thing considering the age of =
the wheel. Prior to the Pacifica I had used Brents, Lockerbies and a =
I'm currently trying to decide between another Pacifica, a Thomas =
Stuart or a Bailey. Especially the Bailey since the prices are very =
What do ya'll think. Recommendations please.
Craig Dunn Clark
619 East 11 1/2 st
Houston, Texas 77008
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