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small woodfire

updated sun 1 jul 01


LOWELL BAKER on sat 30 jun 01

I know its not real wood firing but you could shoot the sawdust to

The group from Montgomery is firing my kiln this weekend. It has
been a rather cool day for Alabama in June. We just hit cone 13 in
the top of the second chamber about an hour after we started the
sawdust. We fired the first chamber with wood then sawdust for a
total of about 15 hours to warm things up.

I think I hear the cones crashing down in the third chamber now.
We will finish the firing by pointing the sawdust burner right up the
throat of the kiln from the first chamber. We will burner about 35
cubic feet of discarded pallet factory scrap wood and about 150
cubic feet of sawdust

I,m headed to the mountains in a few days and will be off the list for
a month. The trout await.

I'm forcing Bill and Merrie Boerner to go with me again. Bill has
promised to jump into Lake Annella this year. It may be up to 48
degrees F. Tim Taunton (potter and teacher) from La Grange, GA
is also joining us this year. Caution to the uninitiated.
